COVID-19 Office Update

Following the recent shift to COVID-19 Alert Level 1, our offices are now fully open. 

This means that face to face meetings are now an option and we have welcomed clients back onsite over the last few weeks. We will continue to offer phone or zoom appointments if you would prefer. Please let our reception team know your preference when booking interviews.

We have been reviewing our processes as we move back to the office environment and thinking about what worked well. We also welcome your feedback on what has or hasn’t worked well for you.

With this in mind, we are going to continue sending all Annual Accounts by email in the first instance wherever possible.

  • For draft accounts, these will be sent by email only unless requested otherwise
  • For final accounts these will be sent by email and we will only be posting out a bound set of accounts and/or the documents for signing if you come back and request this
  • The emails will soon be coming from our reception team (rather than your client manager)
  • Please reply to the email if you would prefer physical copies posted out and our reception team will arrange this

Cashflows, GSTs and tax notifications will continue to be sent by email and we are also reviewing all other physical mail communication to see what is better sent by email. You can expect more communication by email over the coming months.

If at any stage, you do not wish to receive communication by email or would prefer an alternative email address is used, please contact your client manager directly so that we can update our system appropriately.

We thank you all for your patience and co-operation during the past few months and look forward to meeting with you again in the near future.