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Community event sponsored by the South Waikato Investment Fund Trust.
A BIO-ECONOMY FUTURE – New Zealand’s Natural Advantage
Warren is currently Chair of the Forestry Ministerial Advisory Group and Pamu (Landcorp Farming Ltd) and is a Director of Farmlands Co-op, Quayside Holdings Limited and PF2050 Ltd. He was the former CEO of Scion (NZ Forest Research Institute) and is a member of the Institute of Directors (NZ), the NZ Institute of Primary Industry Management and the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. He now resides on a lifestyle block near Rotorua.
- Overview of the Zero Carbon Bill, ETS and Essential Freshwater Framework
- Consumers/market trends
- Measuring your business footprint and ‘performance gap’
- Exemplars showing what can be done while retaining/improving profitability
- Developing a multi-year plan to meet targets
- Positioning businesses further mitigation and adaption to climate change