Richard is a seasoned professional with a strong affinity for numbers, initially drawn to Graham Brown & Co by his innate interest in accounting and client management. Over the course of three decades, he has risen through the ranks, culminating in his appointment...
Ko Tainui te waka Ko Te Arapohatu te maunga Ko Waihou te awa ki rere atu ki Hauraki Ko te Kaokaoroa o Patētere te whenua Ko Raukawa te iwi Ko Ngāti Kirihika te hapu Ko Te Omeka te marae Timatanga has been with Graham Brown & Co since 2009 and was appointed a...
Jasmine van Heuven took on Directorship in 2015, graduating from Waikato University with first class honours in 2012. Jasmine has extensive experience in the farming industry both through her professional involvement and family farming enterprises.
Phillip Price joined the firm in 2004 and has many years corporate experience and an in-depth knowledge of restructuring and tax – both in the commercial and primary sectors. Phillip works extensively with equity partnerships and is involved at an advisory board level...
Brendon Hunt joined the firm in 1994 and is well known for his easy going, warm and practical approach. He is a familiar face in the community and has many years’ farm accounting and general taxation experience, working extensively with rural based...
Debbie has been with Graham Brown & Co since 2001, when she was brought into the company under the wing of co-founder and then managing director, Ros Brown. She became a Director in 2009 and has passionately advanced the company’s people-led and community-centric...
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